We went to the movies over the weekend and one of the main characters died. What the heck!? I was 100% convinced that she'd pop up at the end in a dramatic "taaa daaaaaa" fashion. In fact, the lump in my throat kept growing because I just knew that she'd miraculously reappear. Nope. Didn't happen. The credits started rolling, ...
Childless Community
Aliens, Meghan Trainor and Finding Common Ground
Years ago I saw a documentary about people who believed they had come into contact with an alien life form. They were convinced that they had either seen an actual alien or had been abducted. The documentary followed an interviewer over the span of several years with one intent; to show that aliens existed and that we are not alone. He took the ...
10 of the most powerful minutes of my life
I have a challenge. Ask a group of women how they feel about themselves. Most of us are pretty hard on ourselves....we don't work out enough, we don't spend enough time with <<insert name>>, we don't spend enough time doing <<insert activity>>, we never feel that we are on top of things, we can't balance everything, whatevah ...