Search Facebook for "The Childless Life" Group and request access. A place where you can talk worries about the everyday struggled of childlessness No one will judge or ridicule Confidential (members agree to a few guidelines) No TTC (trying to conceive talk) TWK (Those with kids) not invited :-) This sounds like a ...
Childless Community
Reignite Weekend coming to Baton Rouge in June
About a year ago I shared my experience at a Gateway-Women's Reignite Weekend.....and called it the 10 of the most powerful minutes of my life.. This is how Jody Day (the brain and author behind Gateway-Women) describes the weekend! "There is life after childlessness, despite what the media, your friends, your mother and your inner bitch would ...
The Childless Life Monthly Coffee & Chat
A chance for Baton Rouge area childless women to meet face to face on a regular basis. There is power in meeting someone who "gets it". If you're feeling a bit nervous or shy about coming along... that's ok. Childless women are everywhere...but we often don't speak about it...which makes those of us going through it even harder. There is no ...