I picked up new eyeglasses tonight. While I was there, a woman came in with a 4 or 5 year old little tornado. The woman looked like she had suffered some type of eye trauma so she brought her mom in for moral support and to help watch the little girl. The child was adorable and walked from customer to customer as if she was waiting on them. "Do ...
The Childless Life Monthly Coffee & Chat
A chance for Baton Rouge area childless women to meet face to face on a regular basis. There is power in meeting someone who "gets it". If you're feeling a bit nervous or shy about coming along... that's ok. Childless women are everywhere...but we often don't speak about it...which makes those of us going through it even harder. There is no ...
Dear Diary, where is the baby?
My usual cleaning pattern is pretty simple. Start to clean > find something I haven't seen in years (pictures, etc) > sit on the floor to reminisce > reminisce til I get bored > ignore the area I planned to clean > move on with my life. For the last month or so I've been in a cleaning spree...which nicely translates into "walking ...