Well....and probably without the drugs and rock and roll.....but I'm not making any promises. In early October, I and a zillion* other childless women (*numbers not confirmed yet) will descend upon Cleveland for the annual Not Mom Summit. The 2017 Not Mom Summit....yeah, one actually exists. For most of us who have been to a conference, we ...
GUEST POST – Childless & Childfree – Two Peas in the Same Stigmatized Pod
Below is our first guest post written by an incredible author..... Grab a glass of wine, sit back...and read a different perspective. In her own words: I have worked with Sandy for several years, and anyone who knows anything about her will know she is one kick-ass party planner. I’m sure she has planned her own funeral because honestly, she ...
Am I going to hell if I am mad at God?
For 99% of the week I am unbelievably happy. Great husband, great family, great job, great friends. My family is healthy, we have a roof over our head, we have food to eat and we feel safe everyday. But for that 1% of the week when I am in complete silence and stillness I...ooooooo.....I. Am. Mad. In another post I shared that there is no ...